Finance Data
Urgewald publishes reports and data on the financial institutions backing the companies on GOGEL
Investing in Climate Chaos
This research covers institutional investors’ holdings of companies featured on Urgewald’s Global Coal Exit List (GCEL) and Global Oil & Gas Exit List (GOGEL). In May 2024, 5,260 institutional investors were still holding bonds and shares of coal companies that added up to $1.2 trillion. 7,245 institutional investors were still invested in an expanding oil and gas industry with a total value of $3.8 trillion.
Who Is Financing Fossil Fuel Expansion In Africa?
The report identifies 200 companies that are exploring or developing new fossil fuel reserves or developing new fossil infrastructure such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, pipelines or gas- and coal-fired power plants in Africa - and the banks and investors behind these companies.