Goldboro LNG
Project risks:
Environmental Destruction, Social Harm
Approximate location.
The story of Goldboro LNG is a success story for activism and coordinated pressure against needless oil and gas projects. Pieridae Energy Ltd intimidated activists who exposed the company’s difficulties to get financing for its billion dollar LNG project.14509 LNG is liquefied natural gas, a fossil gas consisting almost entirely of methane, cooled down to -162°C (-259.6°F) to form a liquid that can be transported in LNG carriers.14513 Contrary to popular narratives, natural gas is a climate killer: methane has a greenhouse warming effect over 80 times stronger than CO₂ over a 20-year period.14515
LNG terminals are used to export and import liquified natural gas. In Goldboro, Pieridae Energy wanted to either construct a terminal on land or use a floating facility to liquefy the gas and then export it across the Atlantic to Europe.1451714519 This would have cost billions of dollars. Already in 2013, the Canadian oil and gas company asked the German government for a loan of USD 4.5 billion. All Pieridae Energy got was a letter of intent.14521 However, the German government was open to lending the money to Pieridae Energy in return for a part of the exported fossil gas, particularly in light of the gas supply crisis that erupted after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.1537315377
Notes on methodology: Reputational risk projects on GOGEL are updated annually. This article was last updated November 19 2024. On July 2024, Pieridae Energy announced the sale of its Goldboro LNG assets to a company developing a sustainable aviation fuels complex. The history of activism against Pieridae Energy’s version of the Goldboro project is an important success story for coordinated action, and so the company remains named in the text.
In March 2020, Andy Gheorghiu made Pieridae Energy’s financial dilemma public. Together with fellow activists, the environmental campaigner wrote a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, Nova Scotia’s Premier Iain Rankin and other Canadian politicians. In the letter, they asked the politicians to deny Pieridae Energy’s secret request for almost USD 1 billion of funding from the Nova Scotian government.14521 The activists had found the information in an internal company presentation.14525
After the information became public, Nova Scotia decided not to fund the project.14527 In response, Pieridae Energy threatened Andy Gheorghiu and the other activists with legal action. The company was ready to take them to court simply for making its need for money public.14529
Pieridae Energy’s funding problems just didn't go away. Pieridae Energy signed a 20-year supply contract with German energy utility Uniper in 2013 to export LNG. Due to its poor financial situation, Pieridae Energy had to amend the contract at least five times.14531 In November 2023, Pieridae officially abandoned the project.19446 In July 2024, Pieridae announced it had sold the shelved project on.19447
Pieridae Energy never clarified where the gas for Goldboro LNG would come from. It has made different claims, such as sourcing gas from Alberta or importing fracked gas from Pennsylvania in the US via the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline.14539145411454314545 Pipelines are among the largest source of methane emissions. Along the entire LNG supply chain, methane leakages contribute up to half of LNG’s greenhouse gas footprint.1944819449 Leakages from methane transportation emit methane plumes and poisonous vapor in inhabited areas. The emitted gases cause heart diseases, asthma and cancer.19450 This directly effects Indigenous people, like the Mi'kmaq First Nations people, and wildlife that live along the pipeline route from the Northeastern USA to Canada’s Atlantic coast.
The gas running through the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline is fracked gas.19451 Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is a controversial oil and gas extraction method for a number of reasons. The process consumes massive amounts of water, leaks methane and releases poisonous chemicals into the environment. The chemicals can poison the groundwater and cause birth defects in people and animals that live close-by.19453 Fracking has also been known to cause earthquakes.15383 Fracking is the most common way of extracting gas in Alberta, which is otherwise known for its destructive tar sands production.
Local and international activists have been protesting the accelerated oil and gas buildout across Canada for the past few years. Countless megaprojects are surfacing as Canada rushes to export its fossil fuels. Activists have blockaded train lines to protest against LNG terminals.14553 This pressure forced American investor Warren Buffet not to fund the Saguenay LNG Terminal in Quebec in 2020. The intense opposition against the project became a reputational risk for his asset management firm.1455514557 Activists succeeded in showing the nearby Goldboro LNG project posed similar risks to investors. Now, they fight to show the same lessons apply to other oil and gas projects. Pieridae Energy used an army of lawyers to silence those who spoke up against Goldboro LNG. Still, their voices of resistance carried across the globe. Investors beware: if more LNG resurfaces, expect resistance.

Groups working on Goldboro LNG: Goldboro – parlons-en, Environnement Vert Plus, the New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance, Nova Scotia's NOFRAC, the Citizens Oil and Gas Council in Alberta